Growth Mindset & Team Performance | Resources to help you and teams grow better

One Small Step

Written by Linda Tan-Spicer ILS | Jun 30, 2022 3:21:24 AM

“I can’t even draw a straight line! How can I paint?” was my first response when my good friend Rie Rumito asked if I would join her very first watercolor painting class. That was two years ago. Looking back, I am so happy that I made that decision to support Rie in her quest to share her love of painting with others. To her, anyone can learn to paint! 

So, I took my first small step and went for my first painting class. That small step helped me to see possibilities that I had never seen before! As Rie pointed out, there are strategies to help you draw a straight line, and what’s more, you can paint without straight lines! 

That one small step led to another and another. After a few months, I decided to commit to keep learning and get better at watercolors. 



This is an example of exhibiting a Growth Mindset: the belief that you can learn, grow and get better with dedicated effort, appropriate strategies, and help from others.

I am so glad I took that first small step, to explore, experiment, and take myself out of my comfort zone and learn. Things are a lot more interesting for me now, it’s like I’ve opened a new door and I see the world differently.

I now have an artistic hobby where I can express myself, enhance my creative growth, and more importantly improve my general wellbeing. All it took was that one small step to try an experiment and the belief that I can learn and get better. 

What is the one “small step” that you will take today?

What new experience, or experiment, can you create for yourself?


Originally published in LinkedIn