The Light We See [Short Film]




'The Light We See' is a powerful and affirming story of a father and daughter and their learning journey together.

The film recognises how a person's fixed mindset triggers affect the choices they make by influencing their perceptions about their competency, leading to lower self-efficacy and a fear of failure. 

Gone unrecognised and unmanaged, a person's future potential can be severely limited by their fixed mindset responses.  

Research demonstrates that a growth mindset is essential for learning and development (Dweck 2008). A fixed mindset undermines attempts to experiment new things by creating a psychological barrier to learning. 

Overcoming this barrier is critical to developing people's capacity to change and have the self-efficacy to persist through a challenging transition.

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Enjoy this short film, and please share with others!

Part 2 and part 3: 




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