What is the Role of Leaders in Corporate Governance?

There are a handful of things that dictate a company’s long term success.

Product, marketing, messaging, shareholders, and financials are all important.

But one aspect that might carry more weight than anything else? Leadership.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of corporate leadership, how leaders shape culture, the role growth mindset plays in great leaders, and more.

A Leader’s Role in a Company

Leaders can make or break companies. Organisations excel because their people are first led by leaders with clear visions who then manage to bring out the best in each person.

When we think about corporate leadership, most of us think about CEOs. But the reality is that leadership should exist at every level of an organization. We’re slowly moving away from the focus on single leaders, and we’re seeing a greater emphasis on building networks, collaborating, acting responsibly through a shared leadership process, and enabling leadership to emerge at any level in an organisation.

But it still starts with top leadership. They set the tone and shape the culture. As leadership goes, so goes the rest of the company.

And as we know, culture is powerful. Culture shapes a company’s performance and effectiveness. Poor culture leads to dismal output. Strong culture that motivates and gets the most out of its employees leads to growth.

The Role of Corporate Leadership in Singapore

Leadership has never been as important as it is now. Our world is constantly changing. If our companies are going to succeed, they need to be led by strong leaders to thrive in our new world.

A few weeks ago, Minister Lawrence Wong addressed the nation. He discussed our country’s bright future, and the need to set ourselves up for future success.


“We must position ourselves now for the challenges and opportunities of the decade ahead. Our economic prospects are good. But we will have to contend with new external challenges and adapt quickly to a new environment.”

What challenges and opportunities is he referring to?

“We are entering a future where conditions are more volatile, the global environment more unpredictable and change more fast-paced than ever. We can and must adjust, and still excel in this new environment… In the coming years, we expect an increasing shift in market rewards towards those with the highest skills and who are best able to take advantage of new technologies. This will make it harder to keep our growth inclusive and to hold our society tightly together.”

If we’re going to thrive in a changing global environment, we’ve got to be willing and able to adapt and adjust. Those who are able to shift to the changing needs will see the greatest rewards.

To do so, we need our company’s leaders to set the tone and be ready to develop strong leaders at every level of their organisation.

The Importance of Growth Mindset for Corporate Leaders

Strong corporate leaders that create great cultures and drive their companies forward have a lot in common.

  • They are great decision makers
  • They are excellent communicators
  • They rise to challenges
  • They rebound from tough situations
  • They see feedback as opportunity
  • They work well with other to accomplish goals

There’s one thing true of great leaders that enables them to excel in all of the above: The Growth Mindset.

Growth mindset is the belief that your abilities, skills, and attributes can all be improved. It’s the belief that you aren’t stuck where you are or limited by your natural traits.

Those who adopt a growth mindset are poised to adapt and adjust to our world’s changing workforce. They’re the perfect candidates to raise up leaders with similar traits at every level of their organisation.

Great leaders operate in a growth mindset and equip others in their organisation to do the same as they establish a culture of growth.

The Necessity of Corporate Leadership Training

So how can you develop a growth mindset in your leadership and organization?

Growth mindset corporate trainings courses have been proven to directly impact leader and team performance.

Corporate trainings:

  • Help leaders get on the same page, clarify expectations, and take greater accountability for individual and team success.
  • Help leaders and teams to identify what kind of change is needed and to help everyone respond swiftly to change, shifting together to create innovative ideas and agile solutions.
  • Help create alignment around company goals and individual skill sets, and then introduce Growth Mindset interventions to help them build resilience to setbacks, focus on progress, and not quit until they succeed.

Leadership development courses can also be incredibly beneficial for individuals and teams. At ILS, we develop leaders to support the organisation’s pursuit of 6 critical success factors for performance:

  • Synergy
  • Focus & Alignment
  • Results Orientation
  • Engagement
  • Innovation
  • Competence

Learn more about our leadership development trainings.

We Need Strong Corporate Leadership

The twenty-first century is characterised by globalisation and technology creating more open and immediate access to information and quick communication. As the world changes, our corporations need strong leaders to steer the ship.

If you need help establishing a strong leadership culture that drives high performance in your organisation, we’d love to help.


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